» » » » Fairy Tales Singkat dan Terjemahan

Cerita Fairy Tales Singkat dan Arti Terjemahan - Sudah banyak contoh-contoh dari cerita dongeng fairy tales yang sebenarnya sudah dibahas namun untuk melengkapi berbagai cerita tersebut akan kita tambah lagi dua buah judul cerita baru yang masuk dalam kategori tersebut.

Seperti juga cerita terdahulu, cerita ini juga pendek atau singkat dan bisa langsung selesai di baca. Maka dari itu ceritanya sangat cocok dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa Inggris.

Kita akan langsung ke inti pembahasan yaitu mengenai dua cerita tersebut tanpa lebih dahulu membahas mengenai pengertian fairy tales atau definisi dari kata tersebut.

Sebelum kita baca ceritanya, jika ada yang ingin mencari tambahan untuk Cerita Fairy Tales Singkat tersebut bisa melihat dua cerita sebelumnya yaitu sebagai berikut:

3) Cerita fairy yang pendek dan singkat

Cerita di atas juga sangat bagus dan menarik untuk dijadikan hiburan dan bahan bacaan bagi kita apalagi jika kita sedang belajar bahasa Inggris. Ya sudah, dari pada kita menghabiskan waktu tidak karuan silahkan baca langsung kisah menarik tersebut di bawah ini.

Cerita Fairy Tales Singkat The Imp’s Saturday
It was Saturday night, but very few children had yet gone to sleep. They all relied on the sleep imp, whose jobit was to sing the lullabies, but the imp had not passed by yet. So one mother decided to go and complain about him.

"I'm sorry," the imp explained, "but tomorrow is a holiday. It is Sunday, and we imps have to clean up the whole world so it looks prettier. You have no idea how many things I still have to do tonight."
"What things?"

"I have to climb to the tops of the bell towers and polish up the bells, so that they will ring clear and true. I have to go into the fields and check if the wind has dusted clean the grass and the flowers. I have to go up into the sky and bring down the stars one by one and make them bright and shiny."

"But the stars," said the woman, "are stuck up in the sky. You can't just take them down and clean them like light bulbs,"

"Are you suggesting I don't know what I'm doing" asked the imp, a bit put out.

However, the little boy had fallen asleep in the meantime, so the mother decided there was no point in staying there any longer to argue about it, so whether or not the stars are really fixed in the sky, we never did find out.

Cerita Fairy Tales Singkat The Tsar’s Riddle
A Tsar had taken prisoner a rebel leader. The rebel's daughter went to the Tsar to beg him to spare her beloved father. She was a beautiful g girl, but the Tsar looked on her mixed feelings.

"I will free your father, and what is more I will marry you," he said to her, "If you are able to solve this riddle. If fail, your father will die and you be forced to marry my stable boy."

"Agreed,” said the girl, “what is the riddle?"

"You have to come back to me neither dressed nor naked," said the Tsar "neither on foot nor on horseback, neither with gifts nor withoutgifts."

The girl went away and thought hard. The next day she came before the Tsar, wearing only a thick fishing net, so that she was neither dressed nor naked; she was riding on the back of a large dog, so that she was neither on foot nor on horseback; In her hands she had a quail, which she released in the Tsar's presence, so that she had come neither with a gift nor without a gift.

The Tsar, who admired clever people as much as he admired brave ones, kept his word. He freed the rebel leader and married his beautiful young daughter.


Di judul memang dituliskan bahwa disini akan ada Cerita Fairy Tales Singkat dan Terjemahan namun untuk terjamahan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang dibutuhkan tidak akan disertakan langsung di sini. Ini karena kita dapat menerjemahkan langsung cerita di atas dengan menggunakan terjemahan dari google. Jadi tidak efektif jika kita tulis versi arti cerita terjemahan tersebut di sini. 

Jadi, bagi yang membutuhkan terjemahan atau arti dalam bahasa Indonesia bisa menyalin dan menerjemahkan cerita ini dengan google translate. Atau jika tidak mau repot silahkan terjemahkan langsung melalui laman yang disediakan. Itu saja edisi cerita dongeng fairy kali ini. Mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat dan berkenan di hati kita semua.

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Hi..! Cerita Inggris Indonesia adalah website yang berisi berbagai macam cerita dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Disini ada cerpen, cerita rakyat, drama, cerita anak, narrative, legenda, cerita lucu dan banyak lagi cerita lainnya. Silahkan baca mana yang anda suka, terima kasih telah berkunjung...
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