
» » » » Fabel Singkat The Viper, the Frogs and the Water Snake

Fabel Singkat The Viper, the Frogs and the Water Snake - Hari ini cerita Inggris Indonesia akan berbagi sebuah cerita fabel yang sangat pendek dengan judul "The Viper, the Frogs and the Water Snake". 

Jika membutuhkan cerita singkat tersebut dilahkan langsung dibaca saja berikut ini. 

The Viper, the Frogs and the Water Snake
A viper often went to drink at a pond which a water snake claimed as his own. 

The two snakes decided they would have to settle the matter by fighting. The frogs eternal enemies of the water snake, supported the viper.

On the day of the contest, the frogs began to croak madly, for they could think of nothing else to do. 

The viper won the battle, and afterwards the frogs asked the victorious viper for their share of the spoils. 
The viper began to whistle and the frogs were baffled.

“I'm repaying you in the same way you helped me,” explained the viper.

The End

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Fabel Singkat The Viper, the Frogs and the Water Snake

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