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Cerita Singkat Bahasa Inggris Terbaru - Melengkapi "koleksi cerita bahasa Inggris singkat" yang sudah ada kali ini akan diberikan lagi tiga buah cerita sekaligus yang tentunya ceritanya sangat pendek dan enak di baca. Ceritanya bagus-bagus, tidak percaya silahkan baca langsung ketiga cerita tersebut!

Dijamin bingung, khususnya yang kurang memahami bahasa Inggris, hee e e.... piss! Untuk edisi cerita berbahasa Inggris ini tidak disertai dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia. Jadi bagi rekan semua yang membutuhkan cerita singkat bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya bisa menggunakan terjemahan google.

Caranya mudah, silahkan copy paste saja ke google terjemahan. Tapi, sebelum kita sampai ke cerita tersebut silahkan pilih beberapa judul yang sudah disiapkan berikut ini. Berikut adalah koleksi cerita yang cukup menarik.

1) The casket
2) Fake grandmother
3) Gift from father cristmast
4) Boy and the nuts
5) One tooth and two teeth

Ok, cerita pertama berjudul "Prince Gregor and Thomas" yang menceritakan seorang pangeran sombong dan rakyat jelata yang berusaha menyelamatkan sang putri dari naga yang mengerikan, selengkapnya di bawah ini!

Prince Gregor and Thomas
Long, long ago, a terrible dragon came to the kingdom of Tarania. It carried away the princess.

“Oh, oh, oh, save my princess,” the King of Tarania shouted. “Who can save Princess Tara?”
“I can save Princess Tara. I’m the bravest knight in your kingdom,” Prince Gregor said proudly.
“I can save her too, but I’m the poorest boy in your kingdom,” Thomas said humbly.

“You? Ha…. Ha….. Ha….,” Prince Gregor laughed loudly. “How can you save the princess? You have no soldiers and no swords. I’ll save the princess, beggar boy.”

Ready! Get set! Charge! The terrible dragon roared! Prince Gregor and his soldiers ran away. But Thomas did not run away. He opened his basket and took out a ladder, a flute, a rope, a piece of meat, a spear and a blanket. Then, Thomas ran into the cave and saved Princess Tara

He can still Attract Young Girls

A middle-aged couple was driving home one day when a car passed by. In it was a pretty girl. She smiled and waved at them. The husband thought, “ I can still attract girls” so he said to his wife, “Old woman, I can still attract young girls.” His wife did not say anything just then.

When they got home, they saw the same car and girl again in front of their house. They had not recognized her earlier because she had a new hairstyle and the car was her friend’s. Now the woman said to her husband, “Old man, you need new glasses!” (Taken From : Step by Step (Azhar Arsyad))

Untuk Cerita Singkat Bahasa Inggris yang kedua di atas menceritakan tentang seorang paruh baya yang mengira dirinya masih cukup tampan untuk memikat gadis muda padahal sebenarnya dia telah rabun! Lucu bukan ceritanya?

The Blind Man and the Sun 
Once upon a time, there lived a blind man who had never seen the sun. He asked a friend to tell him what it was like.

“it’s like a brass plate,” his friend said. The blind man struck a brass plate with a stick and listened to the sound. Every time he heard a similar sound, he thought it was the sun.

His friend explained that “The sun is like a candle.” The blind man felt a candle with his hand. He believed it was the same shape as the sun. Then his friend told him that the sun is like a great ball of fire. Later that winter, whenever the blind man sat in front of a fire, he thought it was the sun.

The sun is really quite different from all these things; but the blind man did not know this because he could not see it. In the same way, the Truth is often hard to see. If you cannot see it when it is right in front of you, then you are just like the blind man. Taken From : Step by Step (Azhar Arsyad)

Untuk cerita terakhir merupakan sebuah cerita moral tentang kebenaran, bahwa kebenaran begitu sulit dilihat bahkan terkadang saat kita berada tepat di depannya pun kita tidak bisa membedakan benar dan salah.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Itu saja, mudah-mudahan edisi cerita Inggris Indonesia kali ini bisa memberikan hiburan, manfaat dan pesan untuk kita pelajari. Semoga pula dengan berbagai cerita tersebut kemampuan bahasa Inggris kita semakin meningkat. Terima kasih, sampai bertemu di kisah berikutnya!

About Cerita Inggris Indonesia

Hi..! Cerita Inggris Indonesia adalah website yang berisi berbagai macam cerita dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Disini ada cerpen, cerita rakyat, drama, cerita anak, narrative, legenda, cerita lucu dan banyak lagi cerita lainnya. Silahkan baca mana yang anda suka, terima kasih telah berkunjung...
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