» » » Tiga Dongeng Singkat tentang Petani (Farmer)

Dongeng Singkat tentang Petani (Farmer) - Yang banyak kita jumpai dalam berbagai cerita dongeng biasanya tidak jauh dari kehidupan pedesaan misalnya saja tentang kehidupan seorang petani atau pak tani.

Nah, kali ini edisi cerita dongeng singkat akan berisi dua cerita yang sangat singkat dengan tema pak tani. Ada yang mau ikutan membaca kisah-kisah tersebut?

Cerita yang akan anda baca berikut ini tergolong ke dalam cerita yang sangat singkat dan ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

Bisa anda gunakan sebagai bahan belajar atau untuk tugas-tugas di sekolah dan lain sebagainya. Karena ceritanya singkat tentu untuk dijadikan teman santai juga pasti asyik apalagi yang bisa berbahasa Inggris.

Cerita pertama mengisahkan seorang petani dan burung Nightingale, sedangkan cerita yang kedua berkisah tentang seorang petani miskin dan tuan tanah.

Kira-kira bagaimanakah jalan cerita dari dua dongeng tersebut ya? Dari pada penasaran silahkan di baca saja langsung di bawah ini, mudah-mudahan anda suka!

The Farmer, his Buffalo and the Tiger
(Story from Chinese)

A farmer was ploughing his fields. “Why are you so lazy?” he asked his water-buffalo pulling the plough. “You are very slow and you have no strength. Look how quick and strong the tiger is! If only you could be like that.”

“Do you really think the tiger is stronger than I? take me to one now and I shall show you,” replied the water-buffalo. He was angry that his master thought he was lazy.

A few days afterwards, the farmer took him to meet a tiger. The tiger roared when he saw the buffalo coming. “What a nice meal!” he thought.

“Mr. tiger,” said the water-buffalo, “Let us see who is stronger. You can bite me three times if you will allow me to butt you three times.”

The tiger agreed. While the tiger sharpener his teeth, the water-buffalo sharpened his horns. The water-buffalo then rolled in the mud and covered himself with leaves. The tiger could not understand why. He asked the water-buffalo but the water-buffalo did not answer him.

“Come, Mr. tiger,’ the water-buffalo said, “You can bite me first.” The tiger bit him three times but he could not bite through the mud and leaves. The water-buffalo then butted the tiger. With the first butt, he tossed the tiger over his shoulder. With the second butt, he killed him.

After that the farmer treated the buffalo very well. He did not dare call him lazy and useless again.

The Nightingale and the Farmer

A nightingale, who had laid her eggs late in the season, was still hidden in the corn when it was almost ripe. She began to worry that the crop might be harvested before her young ones were able to fly away.

Whenever she left the nest, she always urged her chicks to keep their ears open and, upon her return, tell her every word that they had heard.

One evening, when she came back to the nest, she found her chicks in terror. The youngest spoke up: “The owner of the field told his sons to go and get their friends to come tomorrow to help with the harvesting of our field”

"Is that all,” smiled the nightingale “Don't be alarmed, my dears, becausenothing will happen, you will see.”

And she was right. The next morning none of the friends turn up. The farmer sent them a second message, asking them to come and help the next day, and once again the nightingale was not worried in the slightest... until the day she finally heard the farmer said to his sons: “I’ve had enough. 

Tomorrow we shall bring in the harvest ourselves. When there is work to be done, we cannot count on our friends to do it for us.”
It was only then, that the nightingale took her chicks, and flew swiftly away without further delay.


Sudah selesai dengan satu dongeng di atas? Kalau sudah silahkan dilanjutkan saja dengan satu cerita lagi yang juga cukup singkat. Bukan cuma singkat namun ceritanya menarik, tidak percaya?

A Poor Farmer and His Landlord

Once upon a time there was a poor farm worker in China. One day he had no rice to eat, and decided to ask his landlord for some. Therefore, he killed one of his ducks and gave it to the landlord as a present.

The landlord received the present and thanked the farm worker. The landlord could not divide the duck fairly so he asked the farmer, “How can I divide this duck fairly? I have a wife, two sons and two daughters.

The farm worker took his knife and cut off the head of the duck. “This is for you”, he said “because you’re the head of the family.”

Then he cut off the two legs and gave one to each of the sons. “These are for you”, he said, “because you will follow in your father’s footsteps.”

Next he cut off the two wings and gave one to each of the daughters. “These are for you”, he said, “because you will fly away and marry someone.

Finally, he took the rest for himself. The landlord was very happy and gave the farm worker some rice and money as well.

Cukup Tiga Dongeng Singkat tentang Petani (Farmer) dulu ya, lain waktu akan kita berikan lagi beberapa cerita lain yang menarik dan bagus-bagus. Bisa untuk belajar dan bisa untuk hiburan. Dari pada cuma nongkrong di luar tidak karuan lebih baik membaca berbagai cerita Inggris Indonesia dan mendapatkan pelajaran dari pesan moral yang ada di dalamnya.

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