» » » » Cerita Hewan Singkat The Fox and the Eels

Cerita Hewan Singkat - yang membutuhkan cerita binatang yang sangat singkat untuk latihan bahasa Inggris bisa menggunakan cerita yang berjudul "The Fox and the Eels" di bawah ini. 

Ceritanya pendek sekali jadi tidak akan susah untuk mengartikannya dan juga memehaminya.

The Fox and the Eels

A fisherman was returning home after a day by the river with his cart full of eels. Reynard the fox saw him and immediately thought of a way of getting himself a sumptuous dinner. 

He down in the middle of the road and pretended to be dead.

When the fisherman saw him, he fell for the trick. 

He picked up the fox, convinced that he had found himself a beautiful fox skin, and put it in the back of his cart. 

Once on the move, Reynard emptied all the eels out into the road, gathered them up and ran off. 

Cerita Hewan Bahasa Inggris The Fox and the  Eels

So the gullible fisherman lost both his fox fur skin and his fish.

The End

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