» » » Ways of Love: Cerita Cinta Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Ways of Love: Cerita Cinta Bahasa Inggris Terbaru. Cerita kali ini akan mengetengahkan cerita cinta terbaru dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tema drama tentang keluarga. Cerita cinta bahasa Inggris terbaru ini akan kita baca bersama-sama sebagai hiburan dan juga sarana dalam memperlancar kemampuan kita dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris khususnya keterampilan membaca.

Cerita berjudul Way of Love ini adalah sebuah cerita fiksi dengan tema drama percintaan seputar keluarga yang ditulis oleh Lee yang berasal dari Izmir Turkey. 

Mau tahu bagaimana serunya cerita cinta ini, langsung saja kita simak bersama-sama ceritanya berikut. Check it out!

Ways of Love 
Fiction for Adults | Theme: Drama | Subject: Family |
By Lee Born 1966, F, from Izmir, Turkey

Ways of love

Look at your daughters and sons,
When you are not understanding them,
When you are not believing them,
When you don’t want to talk to them,
And forgive them, if they did not realize your dreams.

-That’s all, - said Ben laughing, when his last banknote was lost. Almost indifferent to money he was liked by women tired of their too practical husbands.

-Don’t go. I have no luck without you,- muttered Nick, thoughtfuly looking at his cards.

Money pile on the table was big enough, most of it was his, and he was a rather bad tempered man. Like to all men, having too much power, his problems overpowered him long time ago, and he didn’t notice (or didn’t want to), that his solution of any problem in no time proceeded another one, and this made him nervous and angry.

Ben didn’t think about it. Smiling to himself he mechanically watched the game. He always felt himself peacefuly surrounded by his friends. Cards and hands moving on the table were not interesting him. He just listened as they sounded, as if they had their own music. Suddenly music stopped.

-Give my money back, ugly little dwarf!- pronounced Nick quietly from the top of his outburst.
Jace’s face went red, and his hand holding money sunk in half way.
-Jace, please..,- called Ben.
Nick already returned to himself, but Jace was still pale with perspiration over his brow.
-Goodbye, my friends,- said Ben mildly,- Glad to see you soon.

It was a beautiful day, and he decided to walk. He was almost near his home, when it began to rain.

His features were pleasant, no doubt, but being really handsome gave him a cheerful charm, that overflowed him. He was women’s lover, and no money could induce a man to do it so well as he did. Leading such a life, he could make more money, if he wouldn’t prefer peace and confidence. His needs were rather modest, but he liked to swish in society.

People were the thing that interested him, and people were the thing that he knew. He knew them like an experienced seaman knows the sea or somebody grown-up in the forest knows it, not because he studied it. He revealed these abilities in second class. His mother died then, and after her death his father found himself consolation in grouching at Ben all the time. Ben suffered much and once told it to his schoolfriend Fred.

-It would never happen to you, if you were not a Jew,- noticed Fred thoughtfuly,- Poor thing you are.

It was like throwing a ball into a room full of things. Thoughts began to fall on Ben’s mind, and he couldn’t avoid or stop them.

-My father is a grouch, because he is a Jew. Grown-up I shall be a grouch too. Oh, no!..

*** Tobe Contiuned***

Demikianlah sepenggal kisah drama yang mudah-mudahan dapat menjadi inspirasi positif bagi kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Tetap semangat dengan berbagai bacaan bahasa Inggris yang kita hadapi, semoga dengan rutin dan teratur membaca literatur bahasa Inggris kemampuan berbahasa Inggris kita dapat berkembang pesat.

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